Desk studies

Desk studies

The desk study of the project in pre-field work is the cornerstone in the development of the work plan to be completed.

The term “desk study” simply refers to a study that is carried out purely through research, rather than physical investigations, that is, it can be done sitting at a desk. Specifically, the term “desk study” is often referring to the process of gathering background information about site-specific characteristics that will need to be considered during planning and design of exploration programs.

A well-executed desk study can help to formulate exploration work programs and targeting specific areas of mineralization potentials.

Desk study should include available data covering aspects such as the geological, structural, topographical, geographical, environmental and logistical aspects as well as exploration history of the area.

The source of information for desk studies the published and unpublished academic studies, scientific journals, scientific research institutions, industrial enterprises as well as our in-house database. Our extensive in-house database also provides a valuable source of information with respect to anticipated mineralization conditions and potential geological or mining issues.


Benefits of a Desk Study

  • Provides a general overview of geological setting of the area.
  • Provides an initial understanding of the characteristics of an area or a deposit.
  •  Provides information about the historical use of the area that can have an impact on its future use.
  • Informs the detail, scope and methodology of subsequent investigations.
  • Provides early identification of site characteristics and potential risks so they can be more effectively managed.
  • May help avoid undertaking unnecessary expensive detailed investigations.
  • Reduce likelihood of unforeseen field conditions